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Prep Time

Delfield’s lineup of prep tables are designed to fit a variety of operator needs. The manufacturer encourages dealers to ask a series of questions to ensure they are selecting the correct prep table for their customers.

Delfield — Prep Tables
One of the largest custom stainless steel refrigeration equipment manufacturers in the world, Delfield provides a wide variety of prep table options to support sandwich shops, pizzerias, restaurants, and other applications. “Prep tables are always a ‘popular’ item as nearly all operations require a prep area to keep their products ready to prep and serve,” says Sara Sunderman-Kirby, manager of product marketing and communications with Delfield. “Fractional pans and portioned servings can all be easily stored in the area without having to go back to a reach-in or walk-in further in the kitchen.”

Among Delfield’s most prominent prep tables are the 4400, PTB, and EcoMark F18 Series. Sunderman-Kirby notes that each of these series has a lifetime warranty on the drawer tracks, while a limited lifetime warranty on the ABS interior of the 4400 series and the ABS door liner on the PTB and F18 series ensures no denting or cracking.

What Salespeople Need to Know
Sunderman-Kirby says that guiding operators toward their ideal prep table comes down to asking a series of important questions. “What is the airflow around the unit? What equipment is it located next to? How often do you need to refill the product? What size of board do you need to prep? What lid style works best? All of these details are factors in selecting the correct Delfield prep table for your operation.”

The 4400 series tables feature a front-breathing design that allow them to be installed against a wall without airflow concerns, making them a desirable fit for front and back-of-house applications where space is limited. A cold pan design with a low-velocity air screen keeps the top pans cool without drying products out. This means that products do not need to be removed from the top during off hours, great for sandwich and salad prep areas. Additionally, 4400 units reduce energy by 39 to 55 percent compared to previous versions and are available in sizes ranging from 27 to 72 inches wide.

With standard sizes from 48 to 114 inches wide, the 18PTB series has a cold wall rail design that gives operators separate control over the rail and base, allowing the rail to be shut off at night to defrost. Because the rail and base are separate compartments, cleaning up spills from pans full of shredded cheese and sauce is simple — a particularly great feature for pizza prep.

The EcoMark F18 series design is comparable to the 18PTB units but offers customizable lengths up to 120 inches with even more options in cheese grates, compressor location and other specifications. “The 18PTB and F18s are both cold-wall rail designs with mullion style blower coils and an expansion valve mounted between each door and drawer for even air and temperature control,” Sunderman-Kirby says. “They can be easily built into a chef’s counter and seamlessly designed into any application.”

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