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Tuning In to Next-Gen Tech

Session information
FEDA Tech Talks
Sept. 18, 1:15 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. MDT


Business leaders are being bombarded with so many tech terms these days that life sometimes feels a little too much like a science fiction blockbuster. Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, Big Data — what’s real and what’s empty buzz? More importantly, how can businesses put these exciting technological tools to use?

The Tech Talks at the 2024 FEDA Annual Executive Leadership Conference will answer those questions by sharing the real-world experiences of high-level professionals within the foodservice equipment and supplies industry. Jacob Moody, chief information officer at Bargreen Ellingson; Miron Washington, chief digital officer at Parts Town; and Jennifer Ward, chief revenue officer at Atosa, will each give short TED Talk-style presentations that cover how various technologies are changing the industry and how dealers and manufacturers can equip themselves to take advantage of new technology developments.

“Technology is rapidly encompassing every facet of our industry and tomorrow’s winners will be those companies who embrace it today,” says Brad Pierce, president of Restaurant Equipment World and co-chair of the FEDA Data Governance and Standards Committee. Pierce, who will open and close the Tech Talks, encourages all conference attendees to come to the special sessions and learn from industry peers at the forefront of the high-tech movement. “The talks will feature real-world insights to begin transforming your organization to meet evolving customer needs utilizing cutting-edge technologies,” he adds.

Jacob Moody
Chief Information Officer
Bargreen Ellingson

AI in the Long Run: Strategic Steps to Prepare Your Business for the Future
With all the hype surrounding new AI tools, it’s easy for business leaders to feel like they are getting left behind. Understanding the evolving landscape and deciphering competitor moves can be daunting, but companies will have time to strategize as the AI revolution plays out over the coming years. This session will discuss actionable steps dealers and manufacturers may take to prepare their organizations for a successful and adaptable future in the age of AI.

The topics covered in this presentation include:

  • Resources that can be followed to stay informed as the environment changes,
  • Likely adoption patterns for AI tools and how these might inform hiring/organizational structure,
  • The questions companies need to ask to position themselves for what’s coming.
Miron Washington
Chief Digital Officer
Parts Town
Actionable Data is the Price of Your Admission
Technology is only as good as the data that underpins it. Foodservice equipment and supplies customers are providing hundreds if not thousands and even millions of data points in their interactions with dealers – whether it’s how they’re searching to find suppliers online, how/what/when they are purchasing (or not purchasing) and how they are engaging after the sale. In this session, dealers and manufacturers will learn how leading innovative organizations leverage data to optimize the customer journey and create truly personalized experiences.
Jennifer Ward
Chief Revenue Officer
Possibilities for Industry Collaboration and Growth: Kitchen Automation and Robotics
In the rapidly evolving culinary landscape, the integration of kitchen automation and robotics is not simply a trend, but rather a pivotal shift poised to reshape the foodservice industry. This talk explores the vast potential for industry collaboration and growth driven by these technological advancements. Ward will also review some of the reservations and concerns dealers and manufacturers have expressed about robotics, such as high costs and complex implementation. Attendees will learn about cost-effective solutions, implementation strategies, return on investment justification, and how to develop a roadmap for integrating robotics and kitchen automation into their customers’ businesses.
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