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Three New VPs at Avanti

Michael Jernigan 

Shawna Snyder

Stephen Schneider

Avanti Restaurant Solutions, a FEDA dealer member based in the Los Angeles suburbs, announced the promotions of Michael Jernigan, Shawna Snyder and Stephen Schneider to vice president.

“Recruiting top talent is important, but promoting from within is an aspiration for us,” CEO and founder Mark Rossi said. “As Avanti continues to grow and branch out into new business units, we made the conscious decision to grow our people and evolve our existing processes. Today is validation that we made the right decision.”

As the new vice president of design and build, Michael Jernigan specializes in high-end restaurant and commercial foodservice design. The company notes that Jernigan is a creative problem-solver who brings a thorough knowledge of the construction process to every project. He has more than 35 years in the business, having been a principal at JDA and a consultant to Federighi Design and numerous architectural firms. In less than three years, he doubled Avanti’s design/build revenue while expanding the department to eight full-time employees.

A 30-year hospitality industry veteran and leader, Shawna Snyder was promoted to vice president of national accounts. Snyder is known for setting the tone for Avanti’s chain department with business strategies and procedures. She also oversees the dealer’s chain account teams and promotes its forward-thinking culture and vision to clients.

Stephen Schneider’s promotion to vice president of finance comes in the wake of winning Avanti’s prestigious 2023 Cultural Icon award. With more than a decade of experience in accounting and finance, his leadership is essential to connecting Avanti’s operational and financial divisions and driving initiatives to propel Avanti forward.

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